14a MOSTRA [1o PORTFOLIO], 15a MOSTRA [7o SIMPOSIO] dicembre 2010 - gennaio 2011

Auguri Attuali per L'Avvenire

An aggiornamento

As we now drift along into a brand new year with Marksmen and the Palimpsests in our immediate wake, we at Centotto would like to make you aware of two exhibits on the barely distant horizon.

Portfolio x Appunti: Zane Wilson

Please join us on 21 January 2011 as we inaugurate a third structure within Centotto’s exhibitional programming, a middleground between simposio and interstizio shows focusing on one artist whose portfolio, as here intended, will be mediated by a 5-tiered framework of visual and written ‘notes.’ Further exhibit details qui.

Ruminations Anthropocentric, or Conchogenies Anthropo-Archival

This next simposio exhibit is conceived as an inquiry into the artistic representation of human forms. The participating artists’ creation or selection of artworks, as well as their variable written contributions, will hinge upon their personal interpretations of several different anthropomorphological, one might say, themes and readings excerpted from writings by Gaston Bachelard, Max Beckmann, Jean-Luc Nancy, Tom Morton and Mehdi Belhaj Kacem.

Featured artists: Jim Herbert, Thomas Micchelli, Matthew Miller, Don Pablo Pedro and Adam Simon. Opening in late February. Details to be announced.

We look forward to seeing you again in 2011 and wish you, in the meantime, fair skies, gentle winds, calm waters, clement crossings and joyous, valiant journeys intrepid.

Happy holidays a tutti, buone feste. And for the new year, augurissimi.

Please ring it in warmly fra famiglia ed amici.

Incipit annus novus