38a MOSTRA [15o SIMPOSIO] agosto - ottobre 2015

Last GREXIT to Brooklyn

A simposio exhibition, in collaboration with the Bushwick Numismatic Society.

Sooner or later, a Grexit might still happen. Other Eurexits could then follow suit—Spexit, Itexit, Portexit, etc.—and there could eventually be need for a new, somewhat more fiscally 'relaxed' currency, which some of us believe should be called the Siesta (perhaps always written in italics).

At the same time, all such conjecture might prove to be utter nonsense.

However, whether or not such prognoses—which we wouldn't necessarily call 'dire,' since it seems that one of the worst options that Greece has on the table right now is to be so 'privileged' as to continue to sit at the negotiating table, i.e. to keep using the Euro—become reality doesn't really matter. At least not for this exhibition, because our show of unsolicited currency designs—for Greece, for other countries, for alternate histories, for a new US $10 bill, and not necessarily according to standard currency forms, formats or mediums—will take place all the same.

Why? Because on the one hand, Centotto would be remiss to let financial regulators, creditors, fiscal speculators and columnists control the entire discourse on Greece's economic future. And on the other hand, we'd be doubly remiss to not push the same discourse a bit further. When it comes to envisioning possibilities, after all, the visual arts are often quite useful.

Hence Last GREXIT to Brooklyn.

Featured artists: Bonny Leibowitz, Cibele Vieira, Peter Fox, Nancy Baker, Lisa Hein, Bob Seng, Anna Ortiz, Cody Healey-Conelly, Maria Petrovskaya, Carlo Galli, John Avelluto, Paul Gagner, Maureen Drennan, Oliver Jones, Alicia DeBrincat, Jeffrey Bishop.

A PDF of all of the artists' simposio writings is available upon request.

Many thanks to our supportive partners at the Bushwick Numismatic Society.*

Opening reception: Thursday, 20 August, 7-9pm.
Simposio discussion: "Wealths Uncommon," Sunday, 13 September, 4-6pm.
Closing reception: Saturday, 10 October, 7-9pm

* No, there's no such thing as the Bushwick Numismatic Society.

Outside of receptions and other announced gatherings, visits to Centotto are by appointment only.

simposio discussion
"Wealths Uncommon": simposio discussion


right, Petrovskaya (top) & Galli
left, Baker: center, Leibowitz: right, Petrovskaya (top) & Galli


right, Vieira
left, Fox: center, Avelluto: right, Vieira


right, DeBrincat
left, Seng: center, Drennan: right, DeBrincat



bottom, Baker
top, Gagner: bottom, Baker



Ortiz & Healey-Conelly