19a MOSTRA [10o INTERSTIZIO] novembre 2011

Copia Cartacea

An itinerant interstizio exhibit presented by Centotto and Studio 10.

An unofficial and rather unforeseen exhibit called Copia Cartacea, the Italian expression for 'hard copy' or 'paper copy,' existed for approximately 36 latter-estival hours at Centotto. Since it hardly had time to breathe, and since so few viewers had a chance to glimpse it, it will be both resuscitated and expanded as a somewhat more official exhibit pro tempore at Studio 10, a new Bushwick art space directed by Lawrence Greenberg.

A show related to hard copies and paper copies and transposable prepositions, Copia Cartacea consists of works on – or around or about, or beyond or without – paper by Austin Thomas, Thomas Micchelli, Tim Kent, Zane Wilson, Adam Thompson, Josh Willis, John Avelluto, SMH Kim, Oliver Jones and MaryKate Maher.

Curated by Paul D'Agostino.

Opening reception: Thursday, 17 November 2011, 7-10pm.
Bogart Reading Series at Studio 10: Friday, 18 November 2011, 7pm.

Studio 10 is located at 56 Bogart Street, just steps away from the Bogart exit of the Morgan L stop. For more information, including the gallery's visiting hours, see here.


Thomas Micchelli 


Adam Thompson 

John Avelluto 

John Avelluto 

John Avelluto 

SMH Kim 

SMH Kim 

Oliver Jones 

Right, MaryKate Maher
Left and Center, Zane Wilson: Right, MaryKate Maher

Josh Willis 

Austin Thomas 

Tim Kent 




Josh Willis