4a MOSTRA [1o SIMPOSIO] giugno - luglio 2009

Intus Tensio, or Appropriated Special

This circumstantially extensive and mixed-media group show marked the debut of Centotto's new indirect, language-based curatorial approach, the simposio, in which featured artists are asked to select and submit works according to specific parameters.

Namely, their pieces must respond to the tripartite discursive framework formed by a given show's bivalent exhibition title and its required reading assignment. Within this triangle of potential discourse is where exhibited works lie, and artists provide brief simposio statements to place their work semantically therein.

The selected reading for this inaugural simposio was "Special Being," a chapter from Profanations, a book by the contemporary Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben. PDFs of the complete simposio packet, featuring a copy the reading assignment as well the artists' statements, are available free upon request.

Featured artists-cum-interlocutors: Andrew Hurst, Nate Anspaugh, Adam Thompson, Paolo Arao, Amanda Taylor, John Avelluto, Abe Nowitz, Josh Willis, Kristina Williamson, Zane Wilson, Paul-Luc de Vincent and Paul D'Agostino.



Selected works
Josh Willis, Souvenir series: Selected works

After Caravaggio
Josh Willis, Souvenir 204: After Caravaggio

After Breugel
Josh Willis, Souvenir 99: After Breugel

J Heart M (above), Untitled 1 & 2
John Avelluto: J Heart M (above), Untitled 1 & 2

Detail, acrylic & medium on panel
John Avelluto, J Heart M: Detail, acrylic & medium on panel

Flight Plan Blues
Andrew Hurst: Flight Plan Blues

Study for Everthere
Paolo Arao: Study for Everthere

Nate Anspaugh 

Going Away to Saturday
Nate Anspaugh: Going Away to Saturday

The Tangent Line
Kristina Williamson: The Tangent Line

Untitled 1 - 4
Amanda Taylor: Untitled 1 - 4

Oil on canvas
Zane Wilson, Quiver: Oil on canvas

From Interpretation of Dreams
Abraham Nowitz: From Interpretation of Dreams

Selected drawings after Agamben
Adam Thompson, The Archive: Selected drawings after Agamben

Selected drawings after Agamben
Adam Thompson, The Archive: Selected drawings after Agamben

Selected drawings, detail
Adam Thompson, The Archive: Selected drawings, detail

The Uncertain Incipience of ...
Paul D'Agostino: The Uncertain Incipience of ...

and/or The Uncertain Incipience...
... Special in Probability Clouds: and/or The Uncertain Incipience...

Lateral detail view
...of Special in Probability Clouds: Lateral detail view

Portraits of "One interviews, PLDV"
Paul-Luc de Vincent: Portraits of "One interviews, PLDV"

Portraits... (detail)
Paul-Luc de Vincent: Portraits... (detail)

Portraits... (detail)
Paul-Luc de Vincent: Portraits... (detail)

Portraits... (detail)
Paul-Luc de Vincent: Portraits... (detail)

Portraits... (detail)
Paul-Luc de Vincent: Portraits... (detail)

Portraits... (detail)
Paul-Luc de Vincent: Portraits... (detail)

Portraits... (detail)
Paul-Luc de Vincent: Portraits... (detail)

Portraits... (detail)
Paul-Luc de Vincent: Portraits... (detail)

Portraits... (detail)
Paul-Luc de Vincent: Portraits... (detail)

Unrelated to exhibit
Bullshit Hanging Near Paul's Door: Unrelated to exhibit