27a MOSTRA [10o SIMPOSIO] marzo - maggio 2013

Marginal Portraits, or Insides

A simposio exhibition


Selves reflected, vaulted perspectives.
Warmed visions of cooler climes.

Tangents depicted,

Bounds beheld:
in eyes, in I's.


Photographs by Maureen Drennan. Sculptures and video by Nathaniel Lieb.
Paintings by Kerry Law. Mixed media works by Dumitru Gorzo.

The simposio text is "Romanesque Arches," a poem by Tomas Tranströmer.
It can be read and heard here.

For details on simposio exhibits and how they fit within Centotto's programming, see Definizioni. A PDF featuring the reading and the artists' simposio writings is available upon request.

Opening reception: Friday, 29 March 2013, 7-10pm.
Simposio discussion: Wednesday, 8 May 2013, 7.30-9.30pm.
Closing reception: Saturday, 11 May 2013, 7-10pm.

Additional images from the simposio discussion featured on Romanblog II.



Dumitru Gorzo 

Center - Kerry Law
L, R - Maureen Drennan: Center - Kerry Law

Maureen Drennan 

Maureen Drennan 


Kerry Law 

Sculptures - Lieb
Paintings - Law : Photos - Drennan: Sculptures - Lieb

Nathaniel Lieb 

Photos - Maureen Drennan
Paintings - Kerry Law: Photos - Maureen Drennan

Dumitru Gorzo 

Paintings - Kerry Law 

Nathaniel Lieb
Puffer fish above: Nathaniel Lieb

Center and right - Drennan, Law
Back left - Lieb, Gorzo: Center and right - Drennan, Law

la tartaruga centottocentesca
Cecco Angiolieri: la tartaruga centottocentesca