11a MOSTRA [5o SIMPOSIO] luglio - agosto 2010
Spazi Segreti, or Mendacity, Mood
A simposio exhibit
The lexico-thematic backdrop to Spazi Segreti, or Mendacity, Mood is the rich prose, rhapsodic imagery, and transfigurable, transtemporal and, at times, transgendered personas of Jeannette Winterson's Art & Lies, a novel whose craftily sewn pleats within lyrical folds are variably explicated – quite literally, in etymological terms – by the works on display and the various artists' manually transcribed extractions from the text itself.
An exhibit of visual prose, of envisioned etymologies, of the secret spaces and mendacious emotions of an aesthetic range of evocative artworks, themselves evoked by a fictive work whose evocational words, hummed in a key of timelessness, echo the variably vocalized creative callings of artists and artworks, as well as the interlacing figures, histories and chance-ridden conditions that now mystify, now enrich, now belie them.
Featured artists: Deborah Brown, Jenn Brehm, Mary Kate Maher, Karilyn Johanesen, Ali Aschman, Erin Batson and Rachel Day.
Simposio reading assignment: Art & Lies, by Jeannette Winterson (New York: Knopf, 1995).
Opening reception #1: Tuesday, 20 July 2010, 6-9pm.
Opening reception #2: Friday, 6 August 2010, 7-10pm.
Afterparties for both receptions held at The Narrows, 1037 Flushing Avenue.
Rachel Day & Erin Batson (left): Deborah Brown (right)
Simposio statements: citations from Art & Lies
Mary Kate Maher
Karilyn Johanesen
Jenn Brehm
Ali Aschman
Maher (left), Brown (right): Art & Lies, Winterson (on shelf)
Simposio statements: citations from Art & Lies
Deborah Brown, "Shoe Tree": oil on canvas
Mary Kate Maher, "Berlin": tape, ink, gold leaf on paper