250 Moore Street #108, Brooklyn, NY 11206
Contact: Paul D'Agostino, Ph.D.
+1 917 744 4841
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 23
The Room
Rooms 41-45
Rooms 36-40
Rooms 31-35
Rooms 26-30
Impasta Handbags
Rooms 21-25
Rooms 16-20
Rooms 11-15
Rooms 6-10
Rooms 1-5
Centotto on Clubhouse
Some Things Fated
Reception and Silence
Longer Terms
Across the Creek
Arrangement in Middle Pink (SVES22)
Così via
Drawing: Interpretations
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 21
PxA 16: In the Slow
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 20
Scrims & Blurs
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 19
PxA 14, 15: Holes in Walls
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 18
Tales from Otherwhere
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 17
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 16
David Byrd: Flicks, Bouts, Blocks
Acconci Tribute: Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 15
Intimate to Infinite
PxA 13: Rustling, Rest
Gestures & Junctures, Questions & Quotes
Talking Pictures Invitational
Spring/Break Art Show
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 14
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 13
Exchange Rates II
Drawing Session at The Buggy Factory
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 12
The Survey, Part 1: A Body of Work
In Monitoring
PxA 12: Vernal Moves
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 11
PxA 11: Of Plectics
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 10
Chronicles in Wait
PxA 10: Other Selves
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 9
Last GREXIT to Brooklyn
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 8
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 7
Thrice Legendary, or Forever Thens
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 6
Something Naught
Back In Situ, or Turns
Philae Bounced
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 5
Exchange Rates: The Bushwick Expo
Portfolio x Appunti 9: Of Wefts
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 4
Legend Anew
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 3
Vapors and Squalls, or Mediums
Studio Visits (Ex Situ) 2
Portfolio x Appunti 8: Walls Spoke
Studio Visits (Ex Situ)
Un fiocco e un Cecco
By-Productions, or Asides
PxA 7: Re: Documents
Legend of Drafts
Marginal Portraits, or Insides
PxA 5, 6: Traces Solid
A Pile of Clowns
Portfolio x Appunti 4: T. Micchelli
Charting the Not
Theriomorphous Entourage
Courtesy Roman Abramovich
Dissolution, or Resolutions
Auguri Agrodolci
Copia Cartacea
Nautical Notes: Mari, Navi e Naufragi
Variables To Be Determined
PxA 2, 3: Visages Reliquary
Landscapes Metamorphic
Ruminations Anthropocentric
Star Chasers: Visual Evolution of the Magi
Portfolio x Appunti: Zane Wilson
Auguri Attuali per L'Avvenire
Marksmen and the Palimpsests
Citational Graphologies
Spazi Segreti, or Mendacity, Mood
Hinterlands and the Hegemon
Collaborative Forgeries
The Ricotta Collaborations
Terrae and the Ether
Impart to the Product
Being and Time and Thereafter
Missive Humor, or Contours of Place
Centotto Annex at Olive Valley
Reappropriating Profanations: A Roundtable Talk
Intus Tensio, or Appropriated Special
Recycled Geographies and Map Room
Entanglement is Good, Entanglement
Mostra Inaugurale, Salotto Centotto
Ondate / Waves - description & guidelines
Stampa / Press
Dietro / Sotto
Paul D'Agostino, PhD - bio, contact
Curriculum vitae
dicembre 2013 - gennaio 2014
Exhibition plans for early 2014 will be announced soon.