32a MOSTRA [12o SIMPOSIO] aprile - maggio 2014

Vapors and Squalls, or Mediums

A simposio exhibition


Zephyrs, gales
and protean waters
work through mediums,
often, to become visible.
As do depictions of the same.
Or visions thereof. Like
moistures in winds
nearby, above.

Confluences, disturbances
terrestrial, celestial.


Works by Kate Teale, Karen Marston, Jonathan Quinn and Wendy Klemperer

For details on simposio exhibits and how they fit within Centotto's programming, see Definizioni. A PDF of the artists' simposio writings will be available upon request following the opening.

Opening reception: Friday, 4 April 2014, 7-10pm
Gallery talk: Thursday, 24 April, 7.30-9.30pm
Closing reception: Saturday, 10 May, 7-9pm. Part of Bushwick Frieze Night.

Recent reviews of and notes about Vapors and Squalls, or Mediums:
"Cosmic Wit at Centotto," by Sharon Butler, Two Coats of Paint
"Vapors and Squalls, or Mediums, at Centotto," by Eliot Markell, White Elephant on Wheels
"Bushwick vs. Chelsea," by Charles Kessler, Left Bank Art Blog
Photos from the opening, by Vincent Romaniello, Romanblog II




Right, Quinn
Left, Teale: Right, Quinn


Painting, Marston
Sculptures, Klemperer: Painting, Marston

Painting, Quinn
Sculptures, Klemperer: Painting, Quinn


Back, Marston
Above right, Quinn: Back, Marston